release on top
SQ4 - cnm - metabolism
3inch.cdr - with a5-registrycard in plastic bag - release-date: 04|06|2011 - also available as digital download
this release is dedicated to the new headquarter of the german federal intelligence service and contains material of live recordings. the result is a semi-dramatic soundtrack, dark and filigree.
SQ6 - ithinkitsover featuring cocktail lytique - dubi dubi yummi yummi peggy sue
3inch.cdr - high glossy cover - release-date: 03|12|2005 - sold out!
the release starts with some emo-melody, the story and just a short shredded
punkcore-section making you smile. the ultra-broken noiz massacre that follows
teaches you lessons. meet hysteric disappointed girls and organ melodies placed
between high speed cuts. dirty breakcore of better (rougher) days, distortion
and ... a love story - that's all digital punk ever needed. back to noise!
1+2 also available on 7inch (formosan records), inclusive lovely handmade
metal cover.
SQ3 - innenraumanalyse & cocktail lytique - esleft.d ][ inod -4kharar
3inch.cdr - high glossy cover - release-date: 03|12|2005 - sold out!
dark ambient and weird soundscapes mixed with heavy breaks, tiny clicks and proper cuts. influenced by the political situation in france.
SQ2 - cocktail lytique - positive mutations
3inch.cdr - 10sides-booklet - release-date: 07|08|2004 - sold out!
un-easy noize breakcore and ultra-restless cut-up massacres with a certain anarchistic sense for distortioned-sample-overkill and avoiding any track structure. rocks on max. volume. eats your nerves while doing anything else than listening. beats are changing almost every 15 seconds.... yeah!!! (minor)